The Danger of Losing Motivation During Methamphetamine Addiction Treatment

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Once you have left methamphetamine addiction treatment, you will still need to be fully engaged in your recovery. But, a big reason that people end up relapsing and returning to meth use is that they get burnt out. The constant vigilance can wear on you. However, losing your motivation lets the addiction regain the control you took away from it when you sought out and attended meth addiction treatment.
But, lack of motivation isn’t just a long term recovery problem. It can also be an issue during rehab. If you feel the pull of your meth addiction and you can’t resist, it is very likely that you will be unable to complete your methamphetamine addiction treatment program.
What Is Motivation?

In loose terms, motivation is simply the force that introduces, influences, and continues goal oriented behavior. Some people think of it as the drive that attracts people to pleasure and encourages them to avoid pain. This can be why people develop a meth addiction. They are compelled to keep using it because the high motivates them.
Why Do People Lose Motivation?

Given the importance of motivation, it is hard to understand why people might lose it, but the following scenarios are pretty common.

As things progress positively, people can become over confident. This makes them think that they don’t need to keep working toward a goal.People may develop resentment and anger that interrupt their efforts to make rational decision and think clearly.
Some people just make bad choices and those crush their motivation.
Not all meth addiction treatment facilities are equal and sometimes the wrong fit between patient and center can demotivate a recovering addict.

Why Is a Loss of Motivation So Risky?

The obvious reason is that a person will relapse or check themselves out of treatment early. But, people without motivation may also continue being sober but stall in their actual recovery. They will remain stuck and unsatisfied. This is why it is so important to maintain the drive to leave meth addiction behind.

Ways to Stay Motivated in Methamphetamine Addiction Treatment; You Must Believe Meth Addiction Treatment Is Something You Can Do


A motivation is the drive that establishes and continues purposeful behavior. It is a critical component of success in meth addiction treatment. However, meth addiction treatment isn’t easy work and it is far too easy for people to become discouraged. This can lead patients in outpatient rehab to relapse during their time away from the facility and patients in inpatient rehab to drop out of the program early.

In 2012, seven percent of the admissions to drug addiction treatment were for meth abuse. Certainly, those people were not all able to remain motivated, but many of them did and they achieved success. The following tips should help you to follow their example.

Celebrate Your Accomplishments

Once you have established some goals, plan a way to celebrate them once you achieve them. This pre-planned reward can help you remain focused on the goal and anxious to achieve it. And, you don’t have to buy yourself lavish gifts or take a trip, small rewards are just as motivating.

Make Small Goals

You need to keep things simple. It’s human nature to narrow your focus to large achievements, but creating small, specific goals tends to maintain motivation more consistently. This keeps you from feeling like a failure if it takes you a long time to meet your expectations, and if you feel, successful, your recovery will feel like it progresses more quickly.

Maintain Structure

If you are in an inpatient methamphetamine addiction treatment center, your days will be structured for you and this will help you to advance towards goals. If you are in outpatient meth addiction treatment, you will have to create your own structure. Be sure to include self-care activities so that you don’t get burned out.

Tips That Can Help You Remain Motivated in Methamphetamine Addiction Treatment; Meth Addiction Treatment Works

What is motivation? In general, it is the drive that leads people to set and reach goals. Specifically, it is different for all people and all situations. Some people are motivated to go to meth addiction treatment because of a parent. Some people are motivated by their children. Some are motivated by consequences set by the criminal justice system. There are moments when we all feel out motivation waning, but that can’t happen when you are in methamphetamine addiction treatment. It could signal the end of your recovery.

The National Survey on Drug Use and Health reports 1.2 million people admitted to using methamphetamine in the previous year, and 440,000 has used it in the previous month. Although all of these users were not addicts, many of them were.

And these people were motivated to continue using. In order to recover, people need to be just as motivated. The following suggestions should help to do just that.


Picture the Benefits

There will be times during meth addiction treatment when you lose tough with the things that motivated you to enter rehab. Without access to your family, your commitment to your children can flag. When you are sitting in another support group meeting, you can forget what drove you to go in the first place. This is the time to envision your motivation. Close your eyes and make things detailed and personal. Make your motivator come to life.

Find Out About Other People’s Motivators

There are no shortage of people in methamphetamine addiction treatment. Use these connections to discover what drives the people around you. You may discover some that would work for you too.

Take Care of Yourself

When you get rundown, it will be harder to think about the things that have motivated you. To avoid this, eat nutritious food and get enough rest. Drink water and exercise. Maintain order in your surroundings and surround yourself with positive people. Visit us at our main website to learn more

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